
As a linguistic association for and by students, graduates, and those interested in linguistics and related disciplines, Emerging Linguists is delighted to establish partnerships and collaborations with other associations and engage in active exchanges. Emerging Linguists' natürlich auch, mit anderen Vereinen Partner:innenschaften einzugehen, mit ihnen zu kooperieren und in regen Austausch zu treten.

Our Friends:

  • Diversity in Linguistics: The Association for Diversity in Linguistics was founded to promote diversity within the field of linguistics.
  • FNAEL: The Fédération Nationale des Associations Etudiantes Linguistes (National Federation of Linguistics Student Associations) is our linguistic sister association in France, created for and by students.
  • ILLSA: The International Linguistics and Language Students' Association is both an umbrella organization for various national linguistic student associations and a student association aiming to connect students worldwide.
  • Junge Sprachwissenschaft: The Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. is our sister association in Germany, dedicated to networking young linguists and closely associated with the Student Conference in Linguistics (StuTS) due to its history.
  • Slavstvuyte: A podcast about Slavic languages by our own Dina Stankovic, a core team member <3.
  • Verbal: Founded in December 1994, Verbal is a subsidiary of AILA and serves as a forum for those working in various areas of Applied Linguistics in Austria.
  • Wiener Sprachgesellschaft: The Wiener Sprachgesellschaft is a private association that promotes the scholarly examination of the phenomenon of language in all its forms.
  • Yellow of the EggA podcast about the German language by Luke Green, whose favorite word is"Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz"(the law for the supervision of beef labeling).
  • #YouthMediaLife: The platform #YouthMediaLife focuses on a complex postdigital world, inhabited by young people.

Do you and your association want to become Friends of Emerging Linguists too? Then contact us at info@emerginglinguists.org
