Title: Rückblicke und Ausblicke auf die Angewandte Linguistik in Österreich – eine gemeinsame Bestandsaufnahme von verbal und Emerging Linguists anlässlich des 30. Geburtstags von verbal
Where: Österreichische Linguistiktagung 17. – 19.12.2024, Innsbruck
The Association for Applied Linguistics Austria and the Association of Emerging Linguists invite applied linguists with various qualifications and experiences to participate in the EL & verbal workshop at the 48th Austrian Linguistics Conference.
The Association of Emerging Linguists (EL) is a network of students, graduates, and those interested in linguistics and related disciplines, where mutual support and collective growth are the focus. Verbal is a subsidiary organization of AILA and serves as a forum for those working in the various fields of Applied Linguistics in Austria. Both organizations aim to promote the exchange of (applied) linguistic knowledge and research experiences in general.
In our joint workshop, we want to commemorate the 30th anniversary of verbal by combining a retrospective with a prospective view on the diversity of applied linguistic research in Austria. The goal is to demonstrate how the collaboration between our associations can bear fruit and foster young talent on an equal footing.
The EL & verbal workshop is planned to span a whole day in four thematic blocks. Each block will include a brief introduction to the theme, two presentations, and a joint discussion. Therefore, eight presentations can be accepted. The aim of this concept is to best integrate existing knowledge with new perspectives on specific topics.
We welcome contributions on the following topics:
- Language Policy
- Language Variation
- Regional and Minority Languages
- Language(s) & Education
- Sociolinguistics
- Language & Gender
- Language, Ideology, and Power
- Multilingualism
- Transcultural Communication
- Language Acquisition and Language Learning
- Language & Profession
Contributions from other areas of Applied Linguistics are also welcome, and submissions can relate to ongoing work, project ideas, etc. The workshop will be jointly led by the executive teams of the Association of Emerging Linguists and the Association for Applied Linguistics.
Vorschläge (350 Wörter) auf Deutsch oder Englisch können bestens bis Mitte Oktober (15.10.) spätestens aber bis Ende Oktober (30.10) eingereicht werden, um eine optimale Planung garantieren zu können.:
- EL: Laura Levstock & René Foidl: konferieren@emerginglinguists.org
- verbal: Edna Imamović & Sabine Lehner: admin@verbal.at
Wir melden uns spätestens Anfang November. Da wir dankenswerter von der Organisation der ÖLT eine Verlängerung bekommen haben, ist eine Anmeldung für die Konferenz weiterhin möglich